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Isaac Fellick:

Wirral Chiropractors

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Across the globe lower back pain is the leading cause of days missed from work annually, more than any other health condition. This is due to the high level of disability that it causes. Matched with the fact that low back pain impacts an estimated 540 million people worldwide it is easy to see why musculoskeletal pain is a leading, global, healthcare issue. Any complex problem of pain that affects society so deeply needs to be addressed head on within a multifaceted, evidence based, medical approach.


Spinal pain due to the nature of our biomechanics causes great difficulty to the seemingly most simple of tasks. As humans; sitting, lifting, walking and even sleeping places pressure on the spinal column. When a potential pain response is elicited during almost every daily activity you can see how frustration and disability can build so quickly.


The economic burden that low back pain places on individuals and families should not be overlooked. Back pain prevents deep, restful sleep resulting in plummeting energy levels day to day. Our performance at work can therefore decline which adds yet another layer of stress to an already difficult equation.


Away from work the constant aches and pains can make us low in mood and less fun to be around.  As socialising becomes harder this begins to impact the whole family unit. For example we may begin to avoid friends events. This form of social isolation further adds to the emotional toll already placed on our body systems. Low back pain can therefore systemically hinder an individuals ability to work happily and healthily within the community.


Many believe lower back pain to be just another "part of life" or put the dysfunction down simply to "old age." People will grit their teeth fighting through life in discomfort and feeling consistently miserable.  It is not necessary however to take this battle-hardened approach. There are well supported treatment protocols for musculoskeletal pain syndromes.  We are here to offer a more mindful, a more proactive and a more practical solution to the global back pain situation:


A multidisciplinary approach within a biopsychosocial framework is deemed best practise procedure for the management and treatment of chronic low back pain.*


Patient-centred Chiropractic treatment and care has been proven successful at reducing both the sufferings of low back pain and the frequency at which it occurs. The effective pain relief that manual therapy provides can kick start your process of recovery. Through graded exposure techniques and positive reinforcement we are then able to condition our skeletal structures to withstand and sustain greater levels of stress and exertion. Levels of pain will diminish in concordance with our new found ability to complete stretching and strength tasks. Tasks are always tailored to the individual and they will be made as enjoyable as possible. Relaxed movement occurs all the more quickly alongside a process that is engaging for the brain. When dealing with pain, you cannot forget the brain.


A saying that I will often be heard repeating at clinic is, "movement competence breeds confidence." Confidence will inevitably spread into everyday life. This will lead to reintegration back into activity at a higher level. Subsequently there is an increased likelihood to tackle pain and other life stressors head on!


With a new found movement capacity, possibilities open back up. We can return to athletic pursuits or jump back into positive social events, mixing with our friends and others again within the community.


All of our clinical work is geared towards helping one another reach optimal health!



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